Това е България!!

Транспорт до Банско

Това е България! Watch this video on YouTube Много се радваме, че и ние сме част от тази България, нашата България и с удоволствие желаем да я споделим с всички вас тези красиви местности придружени с транспортно обслужване от най високо професионално ниво. I must say that we of BG…

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VIP Coach Sofia airport Transfers / Пътнически Автобуси под наем

Трансфери до Банско, Боровец и Пампорово

VIP Coach Sofia Airport with many thanks to the drivers of BG Trans Company. Ltd done perfectly and ensured me 8 van Renault Masters 17 seats and a luxury limousine for the wedding of a wonderful young family VIP Coach Sofia Airport Customers were very pleased with the perfect work…

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Luxury Transportation VIP Mercedes S class

вип транпорт с шофьор

After a perfect performance by professional drivers of company BG Trans.Ltd with luxury transportation director of the international company Lukoil came the Minister of the Republic of Vietnam. This includes our customers are the director of the European Bank and Deutsche Bank. I must say that we of BG Trans…

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Luxury Transportation VIP Mercedes S class

вип транпорт с шофьор

After a perfect performance by professional drivers of company BG Trans.Ltd with luxury transportation director of the international company Lukoil came the Minister of the Republic of Vietnam. This includes our customers are the director of the European Bank and Deutsche Bank. I must say that we of BG Trans…

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